If you require medical services outside of our normal opening hours, please call 000 or go to your closest hospital.

Health Watch Clinics

Welcome to HWC’s website. At Health Watch Clinics we believe that health is your most valuable possession. As such we make it our mission to provide our clients and patients with the care and support required to return them to full health as quickly as possible.

Our clinic staff and physicians put your health and wellbeing as their highest priority. We work as a team to provide high quality service and care.

Our clinics have fully equipped treatment rooms with trained doctors and Medical Screeners to meet your needs.

We look forward to providing our services to you in the near future.

Online Bookings

Please click on the Book Appointment tab above to make a booking online. Please note this is for GP appointments only.

Health Watch Clinics

Phone Bookings

If you need to make a Medical booking, or if you have any other queries, please call the clinic directly and one of our friendly team members will be happy to assist.

(08) 9383 3435

(08) 9417 5677

(08) 9330 3000